Today 1 Saudi Riyal TO PKR exchange rate (Last updated on June 25th, 2020)
This Saudi Riyal to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan (SAR TO PKR).
Below you can see the updated Saudi Riyal to PKR Pakistan Exchange Rate Chart. Today 1 Sar to PKR Exchange Rate (Updated 25th June)
Saudi Riyal To Pakistani Rupee
   1 |    44.76 |
1.00 SAR = PKRÂ 44.76 | 1 PKR =Â 0.022Â SAR |
- One Saudi Riyal is worth 44.76 Pakistani Rupees today
- Today’s exchange rate (44.76 ) increase compared to yesterday’s rate (44.40).
- 50 Saudi Riyal buys 2,238.13Â Pakistani Rupees at interbank exchange rates.